Integrative Care: Expert Oncology Support Services & Dietary Resources Online

No more medical centre waiting rooms. Access expert oncology support services and dietary resources online. Benefit from scientifically-backed cancer care plans. Because you deserve better.

ANPA Logo - Australian Naturopathic Practitioners Association Inc
AHPRA Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Agency.

” Our healthcare practitioners do not replace traditional cancer treatments. Our mission is to support conventional practices and greatly enhance patients’ medical care and education during this stressful life journey. We believe Integrative Care is the most modern form of healthcare and oncology care. Our aim is to make it easily accessible to all.” 

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Feel the best you can through better cancer care support online

If you are suffering from debilitating side-effects, we can provide you with evidence-based
therapies that can assist with quality of life as well as treatment optimisation. Access online from wherever and whenever you’re comfortable.

Integrative Cancer Support

Integrative Cancer Support is where the practitioner looks at all areas of healing rather than just the traditional medical route. Problems can occur with just one treatment method, including unpleasant side effects and life-altering symptoms. Integrative medicine considers everything from pharmaceutical to herbal medicine as options to support energy. An example of Integrative medicine would be the prescription of antibiotics by a General Practitioner. Generally, the GP will not work with the patient on how to support their gut function and reduce any side-effects from the antibiotics. Integrative Medicine uses a wide range of knowledge to establish the best possible support plan.

Chemotherapy Support

Chemotherapy is an essential part of Cancer Treatment. However, there are often side effects that come with the treatment. Many evidence-based therapies can help support, enhance and reduce the side effects of chemotherapy. Integrative Care is especially interested in tailoring support to the patient and their type of chemotherapy.

Immunotherapy Support & Preparation

Immunotherapy is a fast-moving and exciting area of cancer treatment. Immunotherapy effectiveness is now linked to the health of the gut as well as certain gut bacteria species. Evidence shows that the preparation that a patient undertakes before immunotherapy can exponentially increase a positive outcome of the therapy.

Cancer Prevention Strategies

Most people go through life not needing to think about cancer prevention. It is only when cancer strikes that patients look to change their lives. A person can make many lifestyle changes to reduce their risk of getting cancer. Currently, 1 in 3 people will have cancer in their lifetime. This number continues to rise. We can offer programs to help prevent disease, whether you have cancer or not.

Post-Cancer Care

Cancer treatment is just one part of the journey. Often patients feel abandoned at the end of their treatment with no actual directions or guidance on minimising the chance of the cancer returning. We offer practical guidelines to help support the body, improve residual side effects and help keep the body hostile to any potential cancer growth

Nutritional Support for Cancer Patients

Standard-of-care Cancer Therapy does not address the aspects of nutrition and its role in potentially slowing down cancer growth. Much evidence-based research supports the importance of dietary modifications for cancer. Diet is the most confusing part of the cancer journey for most patients. We use evidence-based guidelines and assist the patients in implementing these with as little stress as possible.

Pre and Post Surgery Support

Often patients go into surgery without preparation as they are unaware that many things can be implemented for better surgical outcomes. Once a patient knows that they are having surgery, we can start the process of supporting this through different therapies. Post-surgery care is just as essential, and there are many therapies that a patient can undertake to assist in healing, immunity and thwarting cancer recurrence.

Overseas Treatment Support

Many patients choose the option of overseas Cancer Treatment Centres. Many patients report a lack of support upon return from their treatment. We can assist with the support and guidance following overseas cancer treatment.


There are many symptoms that standard medicine cannot support, and this is where Botanical Medicine comes into play. Many botanical medicines have evidence of their support for the body. Herbal medicine can help assist the body in the protection of organs during standard therapy as well as assist with immune enhancement and healing. Herbal medicine is a high focus at Integrative Care. We specifically tailor medicine to suit the patient’s current treatment and symptoms. Our practitioners design Herbal medicine prescriptions upon consultation, considering a patient’s health status, current medications and symptoms.

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