Low Methionine Diet for Cancer

Disclaimer. This article is for information and knowledge purposes only. It is imperative that you get clearance and are monitored if you plan to undertake any form of diet therapy especially if you have Cancer or and Chronic Illness.

What is Methionine?

Methionine is an amino acid. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. When we think of protein, we usually think of animal protein such as meat; however most foods contain varying amounts of protein and therefore, amino acids. Our digestive system must break protein down in order to utilise the amino acids. These amino acids are then absorbed into the bloodstream and go to our cells where they supply the nutrient.

Methionine is just one of the amino acids that make up protein. Methionine is a building block of protein that is necessary for cell growth.

There has been much research however, into how methionine can fuel the growth of cancer cells, therefore restricting methionine would make sense.

Why is restricting methionine so important in cancer therapy?

Cancer cells use Methionine as fuel

Cancer cells require dietary supply of methionine for survival and therefore, methionine restriction is a promising avenue for treatment. Restricting methionine by diet depletion, alone or in combination with certain chemotherapeutics, is a promising cancer therapy (3).

Diet and Cancer is one of the most confusing parts of the patient’s journey. The internet is saturated with advice about what diet a patient should be following after they are diagnosed with cancer. It is important to identify an ideal anticancer diet that targets metabolic pathways of cancer cells without affecting healthy tissues. Targeting metabolic pathways is a fancy way of saying ‘blocking the fuel supply to the cancer’.

Studies have shown that Cancer cells are methionine dependent compared to normal cells as they have an elevated requirement for methionine in order to proliferate. This dependence is termed ‘methionine addiction’.

Treatment Resistance

Over the course of standard cancer therapies such as chemotherapy, there is often a plateau that occurs with the cancers responsiveness. This phenomenon occurs because the cancer cells become good at becoming resistant to the therapy through different means such as using Drug Efflux Pumps and enhanced DNA repair.. It would be ideal to combine different modalities to then potentially optimise the effectiveness of chemotherapy/radiation. Without methionine, cancer cells are weakened and become much more susceptible to all forms of treatment. Implementing a methionine-restricted diet can be a very powerful addition to a cancer program.

Methionine Metabolism

Most patients will be familiar with the ‘Warburg Effect’. This is where a cancer cell uses/ferments glucose for energy. The excess use of methionine by cancer cells also has a name and this is called the ‘Hoffman Effect’(7). This term is not well known, but it is very important when it relates to cancer cell metabolism as it addresses the nutrition or ‘metabolic dependence’ of the cancer cell for methionine to fuel its growth.

Methionine Dependency of Cancer

Early studies of metabolism identified a strict metabolic requirement for the amino acid methionine in transformed cells (cancer cells). Methionine dependence is only found in cancer cells and not in normal, healthy cells.

Methionine Restriction with Chemotherapy using Cell-Cycle Arrest

 Normal dividing cells follow a typical cycle, their job is to grow, divide and then die. Cancer cells do not follow the normal cell cycle. Instead of dying, they multiply and continue to reproduce other abnormal cells.

The below diagram shows the major checkpoints for the cell cycle:

Treatment of cancer cells with chemotherapy in the presence of methionine led to the cancer cells becoming blocked in the G0/G1 phase. Cancer cells in G0/G1 cell phase are the majority of the cells present in solid tumours and when cells become blocked at this cell-cycle phase, they are shown to be resistant to chemotherapy (4). If these cells become resistant, then chemotherapy becomes less effective for the cancer.

If it is known that cells are resistant to chemotherapy if they are stuck in the G1/G0 phase. Studies on methionine restriction have shown to arrest cancer growth and also sensitise tumours to chemotherapy through creating a block at the S/G2 cell-cycle phase 3. The blocking that occurs in a different cell-cycle phase means that Methionine restriction has the potential for a highly effective cell-cycle-based treatment strategy for cancer through sensitising and upregulating conventional therapies (2).


Cancer Stem Cells and Methionine Restriction

Cancer stem cells are the cells within a tumor that then produce the bulk of the tumor (non-cancer stem cells). Think of the cancer stem cell as being the little factory that churns out the cells that then make up the bulk of the tumor. Conventional therapies do not target the stem cell component of cancer therefore we most often see cancer return after treatment finishes as the cancer stem cell is still generating the non-cancer stem cells.

Exciting advancements in Integrative Cancer Therapy are looking at ways to address the cancer stem cell alongside treating the growing population of non-cancer stem cells. Chemotherapy that is often used to treat cancer is very effective at shrinking tumors, however, it doesn’t eradicate cancer stem cells.

Studies have shown that methionine plays a critical role in metabolism and epigenetic regulation in different stem cell groups (5). If we could successfully address the cancer stem cell then we could potentially have greater success at remission after treatment.

Video Below.

Singapore scientists have discovered the so-called “food” that cancer stem cells are “addicted” to. They said the finding may change the way doctors treat cancer. Dr Tam Wai Leong, Group Leader for Precision Oncology at the Genome Institute of Singapore, gave more details on this development.

Therefore it makes sense to attack cancer from multiple angles. Addressing the stem cell through blocking methionine is one way to enhance treatment effectiveness.

Low Methionine Diet

Knowing that healthy cells do not require methionine and cancer cells do, it only makes sense to restrict intake of methionine. Although there is much research into the effectiveness of the low-methionine diet, there is not much practical advice out there for patients to access in order to gather information on where and how to start.

There are quite a few things that a patient must consider before embarking on a low-methionine diet.

  • If the patient has Cancer or any other Chronic Illness then it is imperative that they get medical clearance and monitoring whilst undertaking this therapy.
  • Low-methionine Diet will cause weight  loss if not done correctly.
  • This diet is considered a therapy and is not sustainable in the long-term.
  • It is important to meet caloric needs and protein needs whilst on this diet and that may require the additional assistance of a qualified dietician.

Studies indicate that the ideal therapeutic level for Methionine Restriction as a Cancer Therapy is 2mg/kg/day. For a 60kg person, they would need to remain at 120mg or below of methionine per day.

Cycling methionine is also an option if the diet feels too restrictive or too much weight loss is occurring.

Cycling methionine alternating weekly (based on a 60kg person)

Week 1 – 120mg / day methionine

Week2 – 300mg / day methionine

The patient could gradually increase the low-methionine days when they are obtaining adequate calories and have a good diet plan in place.

Weight loss will not occur if the patient is receiving adequate calories to sustain their body weight. You can calculate your own calorie requirements. As the low-methionine diet cuts out all meat and dairy, there needs to be a lot of consideration into whether the patient can meet the caloric needs in order to maintain their health and weight.

Example of Caloric Requirements for a 50 year old female who weighs 60 kg and engages in light exercise 2-3 times per week would need 1700 calories per day to maintain weight.

It is important not to worry or stress if the maximum level of methionine is exceeded as this is not a threshold. It is simply a target and if exceeded by 30-40% the effects are still quite valuable.

Most patients are concerned about obtaining adequate protein whilst on the diet. It is possible to get the correct amount per day with some clever planning of the diet. Please work with a dietician specialised in your disease area for the correct calculations. In general, the body requires 1g of protein per kilogram of body weight.

Methionine Research Tips for Beginners

  1. Familiarise yourself with the foods that are the highest in methionine and look at reducing/cutting these out. You can find a Methionine Content Food Chart at this link . https://howtostarvecancernaturally.com/methionine-chart
  2. Have a look at the food lowest in methionine and try to add these foods into bulk out meals. Get creative with using recipes that contain these foods as their main ingredient.
  3. To calculate the methionine content in foods, you can use the online calculator below. Not all methionine content of foods are available but searching other sources can also help. Simply go to the ‘tools’ section and type in the food that you want and then look at the ‘amino acid’ content. You will find methionine listed here. https://www.myfooddata.com/articles/high-methionine-foods.php
  4. Consider which foods give you more ‘bang for buck’ in terms of calories as well as having minimal methionine. Coconut Oil and Coconut Milk/Cream are relatively low in methionine, yet high in fat and calories. This makes for a good choice of food to use in recipes.
  5. Avoid processed foods as the methionine content will be difficult to work out unless the majority, if not all of the ingredients are low-methionine.

Please see my further resources on Methionine Restriction Ideas. I will be posting recipes that give a breakdown of the methionine content as well as calories and protein counts. There are several ways to ensure success with the low-methionine diet once you get started on the journey.

Of course, if you would like more indepth knowledge or need assistance in structuring a cancer care plan please do not hesitate to book a care consult HERE.

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  • Pancreatic cancer, particularly a type known as pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), is one of the deadliest forms of cancer, largely due to a mutation in a gene called KRAS that makes it resistant to current treatments like chemotherapy.

  • This article explores the importance of looking beyond a cancer tumour to its surrounding environment, or neighbourhood, and how integrating botanical medicines with traditional cancer treatments might offer new hope in the fight against cancer. Author, Heidi Dahlenburg, talks about specific plants, like Astragalus and Panax notoginseng, that have shown promise in scientific studies for their potential to fight cancer by influencing the immune cells in the tumour’s neighborhood. These plants might help make traditional cancer treatments more effective and reduce side effects. Read on for more.

  • Tips on managing and treating mouth sores that are caused by chemotherapy. Alleviate pain and discomfort,during cancer treatment.

  • Starve cancer by following a diet that reduces fuel supply to cancer. See foods that starve cancer and best diet to starve cancer cells.

  • There are so many books about cancer out there that it can be very overwhelming for patients who are seeking information on how to empower themselves in their cancer journey.

    Out of the many books that I have read on cancer, I list these as being worth having in your library. 

Recommended: Raw Coconut Oil

Low Methionine Receipes


Additional Resources.


  1. Methods to Study the Role of Methionine-Restricted Diet and Methionase in Cancer Growth Control. Shushma Chaturvedi and Joseph R. Bertino.
  2. Tumor-Specific S/G2-Phase Cell Cycle Arrest of Cancer Cells by Methionine Restriction. Robert M. Hoffman and Shuya Yano.
  3. Clinical Studies of Methionine-Restricted Diets for Cancer Patients. Robert M. Hoffman.
  4. Methionase Cell-Cycle Trap Cancer Chemotherapy. Robert M. Hoffman, Shuya Yano, and Kentaro Igarashi.
  5. Methionine affects the expression of pluripotency genes and protein levels associated with methionine metabolism in adult, foetal and cancer stem cells.https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/jcb.30180https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7146589/
  6. Methionine Dependence of Cancer.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7226524
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